Insights, Advice and Industry Trends

Posts by:

Zach Condit

Early Career Job Hopping: Is it Worth it?

Recently on social media there's been a conversation about switching jobs each year in order to have your compensation raised. I noticed the comment sections of these postings were all for job hopping to gain better compensation. Is it truly worth it? How long can you do it? Will it impact you negatively? Here is my best advice for those early in the career considering adopting this strategy.

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Five Questions to Ask on Every Step of the Interview Process

Regardless of industry, company, or position candidates need to ask questions that not only qualify them for the opportunity, but position themselves to get an offer. When I get feedback from hiring managers, the people they speak most highly of are the ones that ask great questions and take notes. Your job in an interview is to find out more about the opportunity and find out what the interviewer wants in their next hire. These questions I am about to share with you help you not only learn about the company you're applying for, but also separate you from all other applicants gunning for the job.

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Steps Back to Move Forward

Being a medical sales recruiter sometimes requires the ability to sell the dream. if you stick around long enough you will get to see your candidate's dream come to fruition. Most of those dreams start at an entry-level position. Entry-level is exactly how it sounds, a foot in the door with the opportunity to see the whole building.

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Remember your A, B, C's - Always Be Closing

If you’ve ever watched a movie having anything to do with sales then you’ve seen how important a good close is to a sales person. Take Wolf of Wall Street for example, Jordan Belfort, starred by Leonardo Decaprio, has a close strategy that removes all objections about price, company, and who they are as representatives. Anything prior to a close is just fluff, only when an agreement is reached will you find value.

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Breaking into Medical Sales

So you want to get into medical sales? As a recruiter specializing in the medical field for almost 3 years, I am often approached by young individuals seeking some guidance on how they can get involved in the industry. If you are one of these individuals, I will break down your best chance of getting into medical sales. 

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The Most Underrates Interviewing Skill: The Follow Up

The first interviewing tip I ever received was from my mother when I was going for my first job interview in high school. “Make sure you follow up," she said. “Call them to inquire about the job again”. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I believe this little piece of information aided me in landing every job I’ve received. 

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Improve Your LinkedIn Profile Visibility

By now, most of your friends and colleagues have accounts with LinkedIn knowing it's a valuable resource for employers and employees alike to network for mutual interests. According to a 2019 report from LinkedIn, over 3 million jobs were posted in 2019 and every day recruiting on this platform becomes more and more competitive. 

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